Sunday, 1 November 2020

Explain Public Static Void Main(string args[]).



Explain:-  Public Static Void Main(string  args[]).



  Public Static Void Main(string  args[])


1. Public :-It is a keyword and denotes  that  any other  class ( JVM) can call the main () method  without  any restrictions. 



2. Static :- It is  a keyword  and denotes  that any other  class (JVM) can call the main()  method   without  the help  of  an object . It can be accessed  without  creating  the  instance of a Class.



3. Void :- It is a keyword  and denotes  that  main () method  does not  return a value.


4. Main() :- It is the name  of method . This  Method  name is  searched  by  JVM as a  starting  point  for  an application  with  a particular  signature  only .



5. String args[] :- The parameter  is a  String  array  by name args.  The string  array is used to access  command- line  arguments . it is  the parameter  to main method.




                Thank you


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