Thursday, 19 November 2020

Life Cycle Of An Applet


 *****Life Cycle   Of  An  Applet ****



Applet  Life Cycle:-    

                                  All  but  the most  trivial  applets  override a set  of methods  that  provides  the basic  mechanism by  which  the browser  or  applet  viewer  interfaces    to the  applet  and  controls  its execution .  Four  of these  methods:-  

                               1. init( )

                               2.  start( )

                               3.  stop( )

                               4.  destroy( )

apply  to all  applets and   are  defined  by Applet.  Default implementations  for all  of these  methods  are  provided. Applets do not  need  to override  those  methods they  do not  use.  However ,  only  very  simple  applets will  not  need  to  define all  of them .  AWT  based  applets  will  also  override  the paint( )  method,  which  is  defined  by the  AWT   Component  class . This  method  is called  when the applet's  output  must be  redisplayed.




                           Thank you 

Java Applets



           Java Applets 

Applets  :-    

             An  applets  is a  Java program that  runs in a Web browser.  An applet can  be a  fully  functional  Java  application because  it has the entire Java API at  its disposal. There are some  important  differences between  an applet and  a standalone Java application, including the following :

1.  An  applet is a Java class  that  extends the java.applet.Applet class.

2.   A main ( ) method  is not  invoked  on an  applet ,  and  an applet class will not  define main( ).

3.  Applets are  designed  to be  embedded within  an HTML page.

4.   When  a user  view  an HTML  page  that  contains an  applet ,  the code for the  applet is downloaded  o the  user's machine.

5.  A   JVM    is required to  view an  applet .  The JVM  can be  either a plug- in  of  the Web  browser or  a separate runtime  environment.

6.  The  JVM   on the user's  machine  creates  an  instance of the  applet class and  invokes  various  methods  during  the  applet's lifetime.

7.  Applets  have  strict security rules that  are  enforced  by  the Web browser .  The  security  of  an  applet is often referred  to as  sandbox  security , comparing the  applet to  a child  playing  in a sandbox with  various rules  that  must be followed.

8.  Other  classes  that  the  applet  needs can be downloaded  in a single Java Archive (JAR) file.

9.  Applets are  the small  programs while  applications  are  larger programs.

10.  Applets  are designed  just for  handling the client site  problems , while  the Java  applications are  designed  to work  with the client as well as server.

                   Thank you

Sunday, 8 November 2020

Example of this keyword in JAVA



Example of this keyword in JAVA


class Student


   int id;

   String name;

   Student(int id, String name)

 = id;

 = name;


void display( )


    System.out.println(id +"  "+ name);


public static void main(String args[])


    Student s1 = new student(111, "Karan");

    Student s2 = new student(222, "Ram"); 

    s1.display( );

    s2.display( );





111 Karan

222 Ram






 Write a program to accept a number through command line argument and find factorial of the number.


class Fact


    public static void main(String args[])


        if(args.length !=1)

         System.out.println("Wrong arguments");



            int n = Integer.parselnt(args[0]);

            int f=1;

            for(int i = 1;i<=n;i++)

                 f = f*i;

            System.out.println("Factorial of "+n+" is + f);









C:\java\bin>java Fact 5

Factorial of 5 is 120


Write a program to read two number from command line argument and add them.



Write  a program to read two number from command line argument and add them.





class Sum 


    public static void main(String ar[])


         int x, y,s;

         x = integer.parselnt(ar[0]);

         y = integer.parselnt(ar[1]);

         s = x+y;

         System.out.println("sum of "+x+" and"+y+" is " +s);








Friday, 6 November 2020

What are the characteristics and jealous of OOP(Object Oriented Programming?




 What are the characteristics and jealous of OOP(Object Oriented Programming?



Characteristics of OOPS   are:-

1.  Emphasis is on data rather than  procedure.

2.  Programs are divided into  what  are known as objects.

3.  Data  structures are  designed such that  they  characterize the objects.

4.  Functions that  operate on the  data  of an object are tied together in the data structure.

5.  Data  is hidden  and cannot  be accessed by  external functions.

6.  Objects may  communicate with  each  other through  functions.

7.   New  data and functions can be  easily added  whenever necessary.

8.  Follows  bottom up  approach in program design.

Thursday, 5 November 2020

Write the JAVA program to find the number of and sum of all integers greater than 100 and less than 200 that are divisible by 7.



 Write the JAVA  program  to find  the number of  and sum  of all  integers greater than  100 and less than  200  that  are  divisible by 7.





class SumofDigit


    public static void main(String  args[])


          int sum = 0;

          int count = 0;

           for( int i = 100; i<=200; i++)


               if(i % 7== 0)


                    sum + = i;




                 System.out.println("Number of  integers = "+count);

                 System.out.println("Sum of integers = "+sum);





Number of integers = 14

Sum of integers = 2107




JAVA program to input and print n number using array.



JAVA program to  input  and  print n number using  array :-



class Clsarray


    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException 



      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new inputStreamReader(;


     int i, n;

     int a[] = new int[100];

      System.out.print("Enter the value of n = ");

      n =  Integer.parselnt(br.readLine());

      System.out.println("Enter the values");

       for(i =0; i<n; i++)


            a[i] = Integer.parselnt(br.readLine());




         System.out.println("The values are");

          for(i =0; i<n; i++


              System,out.print(a[i] +" ");












Enter the value of n =5

Enter the values






The values are

10 20 30 40 50



The Type Promotion Rules in JAVA




 The  Type Promotion  Rules :-

Java  defines several  type promotion  rules that  apply to expressions. They are as follows : all byte , short , and char values are promoted ti int. Then , if one operand is a long , the whole expression  is promoted to long .If  one operand is a float  , the entire expression is  promoted to float. If  any  of the operands is double. the result is double. 

           The following  program  demonstrates how each value in the expression  gets promoted to match the second argument  to each  binary operation :

Program :-

class Promote


     public static void main(String args[])


        byte b = 42;

        char c = 'a';

        short s = 1024;

         int i = 50000;

        float f = 5.67f;

         double d = .1234;

         double result = (f * b) +(i / c) -(d*s);


    System.out.println((f * b) + "+" +(i /c) +  "-" +(d *s));


   System.out.println("result =" +result);








238.14 +515 -126.3616

result =626.7784146484375




The  type promotions that  occur in following  line from program :-

     double result = (f *b) + (i / c) - (d * s);

 In the first  subexpression,  f  *b , b is promoted  to a float  and the result of the subexpression  is  float. Next  , in the subexpression  i /c , c is promoted to int , and  the  result  is of type int . Then , in d* s,  the value of s  is promoted  to double, and the  type of   the subexpression  is double. 


                     Finally , these  three  intermediate values, float , int , and  double are  considered.  The  outcome  of  float plus an  int is a float.  Then the  resultant float   minus the last  double is promoted  to double,  which  is the type  for  the final  result  of the expression.



Enhanced for loop in JAVA



Enhanced for loop in JAVA 

As of Java 5, the  enhanced  for loop was  introduced.This is mainly used for arrays.

The syntax  of enhanced  for loop  is :-

for(declaration : expression)


      // Statement 


Declaration : - 

  The newly  declared block variable , Which  is  of a type compatible with  the elements  of  the array  we are accessing . The variable  will be available within  the for  block  and  its  value would  be the  same as the current array  element .

Expression  :-

 This  evaluates to  the array  we  need  to loop  through. The expression  can be an array  variable  or method  call that  returns an array .


 public class Test 


      public static void main(String  args[])


            int [] numbers ={10,20,30,40,50}

            for(int x :numbers)







String [] names ={"Sanika","Chahat","Ritesh","Simran"};


   for(String name :names)



          System .out.print(",");






10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 ,

Sanika , Chahat , Ritesh , Simran ,


Wednesday, 4 November 2020

The for Loop in JAVA




The for Loop   :-

A   for loop  is a repetition control structure that allows  us to efficiently write a loop  that  needs  to execute a specific number of times. A  for loop  is useful  when  we  know how many times  a task  is to  be repeated.

The syntax of a for loop is :-


for (initialization; Boolean _expression ;update)




Here is the flow of control  in a for loop  :-

            The initialization step is  executed first, and only once .This  step allow  us to  declare and  initialize any  loop  control  variables.  We are not  required to put  a statement  here, as long as  a semicolon appears . Next  , the Boolean  expression  is  evaluated . if  it is true , the body  of is executed. if  it is  false, the body  of the loop does not execute and  flow of control  jumps to the next statement  past  the for loop .


             After the  body of for loop  executes, the flow  of control  jumps back up to  the update  statement . This  statement  allow  us  to  update any loop  control variables. 


         This  statement  can be  left  blank, as long as a  semicolon  appears after the  Boolean expression . The Boolean  expression  is now evaluated again . If  it is true , the loop  executes  and the process  repeats itself (body  of loop , then  update step,  then Boolean  expression ). after  the Boolean  expression is false , the  for  loop terminates.



 public class Test 


  public static void main(String  args[])


       for(int x =10; x<15; x = x+1)


              System .out.print("value of x :" +x);

              System .out.print("\n");







value of x : 10

value of x : 11

value of x : 12

value of x : 13

value of x : 14




The do......while Loop in JAVA



The do......while Loop  :-

A   do.....while  loop is similar  to a while loop , except that a do .....while loop  is guaranteed to  execute  at least one time.

The syntax of a do.....while loop  is :-






Notice  that  the Boolean  expression  appears at  the end of loop , so the  statement  in the loop  execute once  before  the  Boolean  is tested.  If  the Boolean  expression  is true, The  flow  of  control  jumps  back  up to do ,  and  the  statement  in  the loop  execute again.This  process repeats  until the Boolean expression is false.



 public class Test 


    public static void main(String  args[])


          int x =10;



                  System.out.print("value of x :" +x);




                    while(x <15);






value of x : 10

value of x : 11

value of x : 12

value of x : 13

value of x : 14

The while Loop in JAVA



The while Loop  in JAVA 

A while loop is a control structure  that  allows us to repeat a task a certain number of times.

The syntax of a while  loop  is :-





When executing ,  if the boolean _expression  result  is true, then  the action  inside the loop will be executed. This  will  continue as long  as the expression result is  true.Here  key  point  of  the while loop  is that the loop  might  not  ever run . When the expression  is  tested  and the result  is false, the loop body  will be skipped and the first statement  after the while  loop  will be executed.



  public class Test 


     public static void main(String args[])


         int x =10;



                System .out.print("value of x :"+x);








value of x :10

value of x: 11

value of x: 12

value of x: 13

value of x: 14


The switch Statement in JAVA



The switch  Statement  :-

A switch statement  allows a variable to be tested  for  equality against a list  of values. Each  value is called  a case , and the variable being switched on is checked for  each case.

The syntax of enhanced for loop is :

switch(expression )


    case value:


                  break;    //optional

     case value:


                   break;  //optional


 // You can have any number of case statements.


   default:              //Optional








public class Test


  public  static void main(String args[])


        //char grade = args[0].charAt(0);

         char grade = 'C' ;



       case 'A' :

              System.out.println( "Excellent !");


       case 'B' :

       case 'C' :

               System.out.println("Well done");


        case 'D' :

                System.out.println("You passed");

        case 'F' :

                System.out.println("Better try  again");



         default :

                  System.out.println("Invalid grade");


             System.out.println("Your grade is "+ grade);



Compile  and run above program using  various command line arguments.This would produce the following result :

    C:\java\bin>java Test

      Well done

       Your grade is a C

Nested if....... else Statement in JAVA




Nested if....... else Statement :-



It  is always  legal to nest  if -else  statements which  means we can  use one if or  else if  statement  inside another if  or  else  if statement.

 The  syntax for a nested if .....else is as follow :

if(Boolean _expression  1)


     //Executes   when the Boolean  expression 1 is true


     if(Boolean _expression  2)


          //Executes when the Boolean  expression  2 is true



We can nest  else  if .....else in the similar way  as we  have nested if statement.

Example :-

public class Test 


    public static void main(String  args[])


        int x = 30;

        int  y = 10;

         if(x == 30)


                 if(y == 10)


                       System .out.print("X = 30 and Y = 10");






X = 30 and Y = 10


Tuesday, 3 November 2020

The if .....else if.......else statement in JAVA






The if .....else if.......else statement  :-

An if statement  can followed by an optional else if.......else  statement , which is very  useful  to  test variouse  conditions  using  single if ......else  statement. When  using  if , else if, else  statement  there are  few  points to  keep in mind .

1. An if can have  zero  or  one  else's and it must come after any else if 's.

2. An if can have zero  to many else  if's  and they  must  come  before  the else.

3. Once an else if succeeds, none of the remaining else if's or else's will be tested.

The syntax  of an  if..... else is   :-  

if (Boolean _ expression 1)


     // Executes when the Boolean  expression  1 is true 


else if (Boolean _ expression 2)


     // Executes when the Boolean  expression 2 is true 


else if (Boolean _expression  3)


    //Executes when  the Boolean expression  3 is true  




      //Executes when the  none  of the  above  condition  is true.



 public class Test


    public static void main (String args[])


      int x = 30;

      if (x == 10)



          System .out.print("Value of X is 10");


      else if(x == 20)



          System .out.print("Value of X is 20");



      else if(x == 30)



          System .out.print("Value of X is 30");





             System .out.print("This is else statement");









Value of X is 30



The Continue Keyword in JAVA




The Continue Keyword in JAVA  :-


The continue  keyword can be  used  in any   of  the loop  control  structures.  It  causes the  loop to  immediately jump  to  the next  iteration  of the loop . In  a for  loop,  the continue keyword  causes flow of  control to immediately jump  to the  update statement. In  a  while  loop or do/ while loop , flow of control immediately  jumps to  the Boolean expression .

The  syntax of a continue is a  single statement  inside any loop :-



public class Test


    public static void main(String args[])


         int[] numbers = {10,20,30,40,50};

          for(int x: numbers)


                    if( x== 30)





                 System .out .print(x);  

                 System .out.print("\n");







    OUTPUT :-





The Break Keyword in JAVA



The Break Keyword in JAVA :-

The break keyword is used  to stop the entire loop.  The break keyword must be used inside  any  loop or  a switch statement. The break  keyword  will stop the execution  of the innermost  loop and start  execcuting  the next  line of code  after the block .  

The syntax of a break  is a single  statement inside  any loop :


Example :-

 public class Test 


   public static void main(String  args[])


       int [] numbers = {10,20,30,40,50};

        for(int x : numbers)


              if (x == 30)




            System .out.print(x);














Monday, 2 November 2020

( if ..........else statement ) of JAVA




( if ..........else statement  ) of JAVA

An if statement can be followed  by an optional  else  statement , which  executes when the Boolean expression is false.


if(Boolean_ expression )


         // Execute when  the Boolean  expression  is true




        // Executes  when  the Boolean expression  is faulse






public class Test 


    public static void main (String args[])


       int x =30;

       if ( x<20)


              System .out.print("This  is if statement");




              System .out .print("This  is else statement");





This  is else statement

(If statements) in JAVA


 (If statements)  in JAVA

 The  if statement :-

 An  if statement  consists of a boolean  expression  followed  by  one or more  statements. 


   if ( Boolean   expression)


      // statements will execute if the Boolean   expresion  is true


If  the Boolean  expression  evaluates to true  then  the block  of code  inside  the if statement  will  be executed.  If  not  the  first  set  of code after the end  of the if  statement  ( after  the  closing  curly  brace ) will  be executed.


public  class Test


    public static void main (String  args[] )            


       int x  = 10;

       if(x< 20);


    System .out. println (" This  is if statement ");






This  is if statement

Object Oriented Programming And Procedure Oriented Programming


Object  Oriented Programming  And  Procedure Oriented Programming  

Object  Oriented  Programming :-

Object Oriented Programming  is programming  concept which is focused  on object  rather  than  actions and data  rather than  logic. 

Object Oriented  Programming  concept is  a way  to remove some faults  or  limitations of POP . It puts  much importance on data and  does  not  allow data to move  freely  around the whole  program . OOP binds particular data  and functions of data  in units called  objects which protect  data from getting  motivation  by  other functions.

Procedure Oriented Programming :-

As the name implies, Procedure Oriented Programming  contains step by step  procedure to  execute. Here  the problems get decomposed  into  small  parts and  then  to solve each  part  one or  more functions are  used.

Sunday, 1 November 2020

Can an applicatoin have multiple classes having main method in same JAVA file ?





1.  Can an applicatoin  have multiple classes  having  main  method in same JAVA file ? 

Yes  it is possible . While  starting  the application  we mention the class name to be run .  The JVM  will look  for the Main  method  only  in the class whosw name  we have  mentioned . Here  there  is not  conflict  amongst  the multiple  classes  having  main ( ) method.

2. Give the name of  top class of all  classes  in java  and the top  package which  is the  default  package.

Top  class of all classes  in JAVA is object  class. 

Top package  which  is  default  package  in java .lang .package.

If string args[] is not written in main() method .



If  string  args[]  is not written  in main( ) method .

When main( )   method  is written  without  Sring args[] as :

       public static void main ( )


The code  will  compile  but  JVM   cannot  run  the code  because  it cannot  recognize  the  main ( )   as the method from  where  it should start  execution  of the  Java  program .


Remember  JVM always  looks for  main ( )  method  with  string  type  array  as parameter .




        Thank you 💖


Explain Public Static Void Main(string args[]).



Explain:-  Public Static Void Main(string  args[]).



  Public Static Void Main(string  args[])


1. Public :-It is a keyword and denotes  that  any other  class ( JVM) can call the main () method  without  any restrictions. 



2. Static :- It is  a keyword  and denotes  that any other  class (JVM) can call the main()  method   without  the help  of  an object . It can be accessed  without  creating  the  instance of a Class.



3. Void :- It is a keyword  and denotes  that  main () method  does not  return a value.


4. Main() :- It is the name  of method . This  Method  name is  searched  by  JVM as a  starting  point  for  an application  with  a particular  signature  only .



5. String args[] :- The parameter  is a  String  array  by name args.  The string  array is used to access  command- line  arguments . it is  the parameter  to main method.




                Thank you


Student Marks Calculation app using java

      import javax.swing. *; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent ; import java.awt.event.ActionListener ; public class Student { private J...