Friday, 30 October 2020

JVM ( Java Virtual Machine )



What is JVM  ( Java Virtual Machine ) ? 

JVM ( Java Virtual Machine ) :-

    All programming language compilers  convert the  source code to machine  code . Same  job done by Java Compiler  to run a Java program, but  the difference  is  that Java compiler  convert the source  code  into intermediate code   is called as bytecode .This machine is called the Java Virtual Machine  and  it  exists only  inside the computer memory . 

following  figure  shows the  process of  compilation :

Java program  -----Java compiler -----Virtual machine code 



 The  Virtual machine code  is not  machine  specific .  The  machine specific code is generated . By  java  interpreter  by acting  as an intermediary between the  virtual machine and  real  machine  shown below:-


Byte code ---Java interpreter---- Machine code 


Java Object  Framework act as the intermediary  between the user  programs  and the  virtual  machine which  in   turn  act  as the  intermediary between  the operating system  and the Java Object Framework.






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