Thursday, 29 October 2020

Java Buzzwords



Features of Java 

               Java Buzzwords

The following  are the list of buzzwords of Java:-


1. Simple 

2. Secure 

3. Portable

4. Object -Oriented 

5. Robust

6. Multithreaded

7. Architecture-neutral

8. Interpreted and High performance

9. Distributed

10. Dynamic 

Simple :-

    Java was designed to be easy  for the professional programmer to learn  and use effectively . Assuming  that  we have some programming experience, we  will  not  find  java  hard  to master. If  we already  understand that  basic concepts of  object-oriented programming , learning  java will  be even  easier.

Secure :-

As we are likely aware , every  time we download  a " normal"  program , we are taking  a risk , because  the code we are  downloading  might  contain  a virus, Trojan  horse , or other  harmful  code. At the core  of the problem  is the fact  that  malicious code  can  cause  its damage  because  it has  gained  unauthorized  access to system resources.




Portable :-

Portability is a major aspect  of the internet because  there  are many  different  types  of computers  and  operating  system  connected to it .  If a java program were  to be  run  on virtually any  computer  connected  to the  internet , there  needed to some  way  to enable  that  program  to  execute on different systems.




Object- Oriented :-

Although influenced  by  its  predecessors, Java  was not  designed  to be source -code  compatible with  any  other  language . This  allowed  the java  team  the freedom  to  design  with  a blank  slate, One  outcome  of this  was a clean , usable ,  pragmatic  approach to  objects . 




Robust :-

 The multiplatformed  environment  of the Web place  extraordinary demands on a program , because  the program must  execute  reliably  in a variety  of  systems . Thus , the  ability to create robust  programs was given  a high priority  in the design of java . To gain reliability ,Java  restricts  we  in a few  key  areas to force  we find  our  mistakes early  in program development .





Multithreaded :-

Java  was designed  to  meet the real  -world  requirement  of creating  interactive , networked  programs.  To accomplish this , Java  supports  multithreaded  programming , which  allow  us  to write  programs  that  do  many  things  simultaneously.  The java  run -time  system . 





 Architecture- Neutral :-

A central  issue for  the java  designers  was that  of code  longevity  and  portability . One of the main  problem facing  programmers  is that  no guarantee exists that  if we  write  a  program  today , it will run  tomorrow- even  on the  same  machine . Operating  system  upgrades ,  processor  upgrades , and  changes  in core  system  resources  can all  combine  to make  a program  malfunction .




Interpreted and High Performance :-

Java  enables  the creation  of  cross -platform  programs by  compiling  into  an  intermediate  representation  called  Java Bytecode. This code can be  executed on  any  system  that  implements  the Java  Virtual  Machine . Most  previous attempts at cross -platform  solutions  have  done  so  at  the  expense of performance.

Distributed :-

Java  is  designed  for  the distributed environment  of the internet  because  it handle  TCP/IP protocols.  In fact , accessing  a  resource  using  a URL is   not much  different  from  accessing  a file . Java  also  supports  Remote Method  Invocation (RMI) .This feature  enables a program  to  invoke  methods across  a network .





 Dynamic :-

Java  programs carry  with  them  substantial  amounts  of  run - time  type  information  that  is used to verify and  resolve  accesses to objects  at  run time . This  make  it possible  to  dynamically  link  code  in a safe  and expedient manner . This  is crucial  to  the robustness of  the java  environment , in  which  small  fragments  of  bytecode may  be dynamically updated on  a running  system .

1 comment:

Student Marks Calculation app using java

      import javax.swing. *; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent ; import java.awt.event.ActionListener ; public class Student { private J...