Thursday, 29 October 2020

Concepts of Java


 Basic concepts of Java 

There  are some basic concepts of object oriented programming as follows:

1. Object

2.  Class

3.  Data  abstraction

4.  Data encapsulation

5.  Inheritance

6.  Polymorphism

7.  Dynamic binding


   Object  are important runtime entities in object oriented  method.   They  may  characterize a location , a bank  account  , and  a table  of  data  or any  entry  that  the program must handle  


  A class is  a set  of objects  with  similar  properties , common  behavior , and  common  link  to  other  objects.  The complete  set of data and code  of an  object  can be  made  a user  defined  data  type  with  the help of class. The  object are variable of class.






   Data  abstraction  refers to  the act  of  representing  important  description  without  including   the background  details or explanations. Classes use  the concept of  abstraction and  are  defined  as a  list  of  abstract attributes  such  as size , cost  and  functions  operate on  these  attributes.


   Data  Encapsulation  means  wrapping  of data  and functions into a single  unit . it is most  useful   feature  of class .The  data  is not  easy  to go  to the outside world and  only those  functions  which  are enclosed  inthe  class can access it. This  insulation  of data  from  direct  access  by the program is called  as DATA HIDING .





 Inheritance  is the process by which objects of one class can get  the  properties  of objects of another  class. Inheritance  means  one class of objects  inherits data  and  behaviors from  another  class . Inheritance  maintains the  hierarchical classification  in which  a class  inherits from its parents .





Polymorphism   means  the ability to take  more  than  one  form . Polymorphism  play a main role in  allocate  objects  having  different  internal structures  to share  the same  external  interface. This means that a general class of operations  may to accessed  in the  same manner  even  though  specific  activities  associated  with  each  operation  may differ .  Polymorphism  is broadly  used  in implementing  inheritance.


 Binding  refers to the linking of a procedure call to the code to  be executed  in  response  to the  call.  Dynamic  binding  means  that  the code  related  with  a  given  procedure call  is not  know  until  the time  of  the  call at run time .  Dynamic binding  is associated  polymorphism and  inheritance.



Student Marks Calculation app using java

      import javax.swing. *; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent ; import java.awt.event.ActionListener ; public class Student { private J...